New year, new army
Despite having shelves of unpainted miniatures, I’m kicking off 2025 with a plan to build a new army for tabletop gaming. How successful will I be? Will I end up with another shelf of grey plastic? There’s only one way to find out.
If all goes to plan, I’ll finally have a painted army themed around the fantasy world I created for my fantasy series, Anathema to the Divine.
Serpent Society
Change of plan! I’ve bought some Snakemen from Frostgrave’s Ghost Archipelago range to use as Ghekkotah proxies. Let’s see what’s in the box.
Knights of the Round Table - Review
A full review of the Fireforge Games kits mentioned in the first Budget Bretonnians post and how I used them to make all four types of Bretonnian knights.
Budget Bretonnians: Part Two
The peasants are revolting, but how well do they fit my off-brand Bretonnian army?