(Tin) Plastic Lizzy
With my 500-point starter army of not-Bretonnian’s ready to take to the field for their first fight, it’s time to turn my attention to their opponents. The Kings of War Salamander army makes for a reasonable approximation to the classic Lizardmen of the 5th edition Warhammer box.
The classic saurus warrior block is represented by the salamander primes. These came from an old Forces of Nature box that I bought, half-built, and then left on the side to gather dust. At some point I picked up a Salamander Lord in a sale so that will be my battle captain.
I didn’t see anything in the Salamanders list that represents skinks with bows, but the Ghekkotah come with blowpipe options so I’ve opted to take those and pretend the skinks in the 5th edition were the blowpipe variants (which were probably metal at the time, if they even had models).
As for models, I couldn’t find any Mantic releases for Ghekkotah warriors. What I do have is some Trident Realm Riverguard models I can substitute in to get started. They don’t have blowpipes, but I can pretend their javelins are blowpipe darts until the Salamanders get a Ghekkotah model release.
I’ll be back when these have a coat of paint and are ready to go up against my not-Bretonnians in a recreation of the first games of Warhammer I played back 20+ years ago.