Kay(jiit) Sarah Sara: Part 10 - Heading North

Author’s note: I think I might need another random encounter mod. I have Travellers of Skyrim installed, but I haven’t seen anybody wandering the roads since leaving Whiterun.

- Atsie Newt

Middas, 20th of Last Seed

This one is waiting to strike.


Watching from behind the pillar, this one saw the bandit turn and move along the mountain path towards the tower. Not wanting to be caught out in the open, Kay dashed for the tower taking refuge next to the door.

‘You can’t hide from me!’ shouted the bandit, unaware Khajiit was not hiding.

This one was waiting to strike.

Releasing a blast of fire, Kay incinerated the bandit as he stepped around the door. The ease with which the fire burned surprised Khajiit, her control of the magicka greatly improved compared to only a few days ago. With so many violent strangers in Skyrim, perhaps this one will become a powerful mage before reaching Winterhold, yes?


Leaving the bandit to burn, this one climbed to the top of the tower, gathering what provisions Khajiit could find. With her pack stuffed to the brim with food, Kay hurried back across the bridge, the Skyrim weather turning damp and grey as she went. Leaving the tower behind, Kay descended into the valley and the thickening mist.


It was unlikely this one would reach Windhelm by sunset after the diversion at the tower. An unfortunate turn of events as Kay was eager to trade for some warmer clothes. Regretting leaving Whiterun in such haste, this one picked up her pace to be rid of the chilly mist as it turned into rain. Luckily, the downpour was short-lived, the sun emerging from behind the clouds by the time Khajiit reached the valley floor and crossed the river.


With evening drawing closer, Kay began to tire as she trudged past Mixwater Mill. The temptation to stop and ask if there was any lodging was strong, but Khajiit had precious little coin to spare on such luxury. No. Much wiser to save the coin and find a safe place to pitch a tent for the night.


Given her earlier experience, this one assumed staying too close to the road made her too tempting a target for other roaming bands of thugs.  As the road rose, hugging the edge of the mountain while the river cut deeper into the valley, Kay scoured the mountainside for a safe place to pitch a tent, spying an old fishing shack across the river. The state of the roof suggested it was uninhabited.

Creeping closer, it became apparent that this one’s assumption was wrong. Crouched within the doorway was a great, orange cat. There was no way a cat that big was somebody’s pet. With the sun low in the sky, Kay decided to leave the cat alone. Fending off teeth as long as this one’s arm could wait until morning, yes?

Finding a secluded spot across the river from the shack, Khajiit lit a fire and watched the cat as she devoured a hearty meal. Confident it had no intention of crossing the river and scaling the mountainside, Kay crawled into her bedroll, her sleep disturbed by thoughts of razor claws and gnashing teeth.


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Kay(jiit) Sarah Sara: Part 11 – Still Heading North


Kay(jiit) Sarah Sara: Part 9 - Hitting the Road