Kay(jiit) Sarah Sara: Part 21 – Revealing the Unseen

Tirdas, 26th of Last Seed

This one is off again.


‘Has the Dunmer seen Mirabelle?’ Kay asked. Having informed the arch mage of the Augur of Dunlain’s predictions, Savos sent this one in search of Mirabelle Ervine for a possible location for the staff. After catching a few hours of sleep, Kay decided to start by searching the Hall of Attainment.

Brelyna looked up from the textbook she was studying and studied Khajiit. ‘I believe she is upstairs.’

Kay nodded and shrugged her pack onto her shoulders.

‘If you have a moment,’ Brelyna asked before this one could get away, ‘could you help me with something?’

‘This one is pressed for time. What can the Dunmer offer to make Khajiit stay?’

‘Well, I... I simply thought you might wish to help out one of your fellow mages. If that's not enough,’ Brelyna said as she reached into her robe, ‘I have this amulet you could take.’

With a nod, this one took the amulet and asked what the elf needed her to do.

‘Oh, good. I was afraid I'd have to go ask J'zargo. Now, you just stand there...’

Kay stood and waited as the Dunmer apprentice murmured a spell and flicked her fingers at Khajiit.


‘Oh dear. That wasn't supposed to happen,’ Brelyna said anxiously as Kay’s vision turned green. ‘Do you feel alright?’

This one raised her hand and inspected the green tint of her fur. ‘Is it permanent?’

It's not!’ exclaimed Brelyna, backing away as Kay flexed her claws. ‘It shouldn't be. You'll be back to normal in no time.’

‘For the Dunmer’s sake,’ this one said as she pushed past Brelyna, ‘Let’s hope so.’

Locating Mirabelle in one of the tower’s alcoves, Kay learnt that a group of mages known as the Synod were searching the Dwemer ruins of Mzulft for the staff. If Khajiit was quick, she might catch up to them before they were finished exploring the ruins.

‘Another mission for the college?’ Stenvar asked as Kay marched through Winterhold and up the mountain path.

Kay stopped short as the road began to climb. Everything was green. The sky. The snow. Even the rocks. Testing a theory, this one turned to the rocks and launched a burst of fire.


‘Haha, even Khajiit’s fire is green,’ this one said above the roar of flame.

‘No, it’s not,’ Stenvar yelled. ‘You’re just seeing things.’

‘Oh,’ Kay said with a sigh as she snapped her hand shut to cut off the flames. ‘That’s no fun.’

It wasn’t long before the blurriness at the edge of this one’s vision receded and colour leached back into the world. In silence, Kay trudge along the coast line, aware that she had not answered Stenvar’s question. Although she had set off with every intention of leaving the wizards to their games, the temptation to journey south to Mzulft was strong.

‘Hey, is that a ship over there?’ Khajiit asked as she glanced out over the jagged ice floes.


‘A wrecked one,’ Stenvar replied as he scrunched up his eyes and peered out across the water.

‘Come on,’ this one said, leaping onto the first ice floe. ‘Let’s investigate.’

Picking her way across the icy terrain, Kay wondered what treasure’s might still be salvageable from the wreck. If nothing else, there might be some fish circling the wreckage for scraps.

‘Slow down,’ Stenvar called out as this one circled a rocky outcrop. ‘Don’t get too far ahead.’

Pausing, Kay looked across the island and spotted the tell-tale flicker of flame ahead. Someone had already made camp next to the wreck.

‘Bandits,’ Stenvar confirmed as they drew closer.

‘Typical,’ Kay said with a shake of her head. ‘Couldn’t have been a couple with an interest in maritime history, could it? No?’

‘Skyrim is a hard and unforgiving land,’ Stenvar replied with a shake of his head.

Kay nodded in resignation as she summoned a ball of fire in the palm of her hand before turning to Stenvar. ‘After you.’


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Kay(jiit) Sarah Sara: Part 20 – Into the Midden