Released on 30 April 2020, Oathmark is set in a fantasy world where players construct armies based on a kingdom’s occupants rather than race. By selecting the terrain that is present in each county of the player’s kingdom, it is possible to create an elven kingdom populated by elves, dwarves, ogres and other mythical beasts. Purists can still elect to fill their kingdom with exclusively human structures, expanding the list of available human troops, but the structure of Oathmark’s army selection is designed to suit players with a variety of models and encourage characterful, story-driven choices for why that group of barbarian rangers settled in the shadow of that goblin city.
There are four main army lists to choose from: humans, orcs and goblins, dwarves, and elves. Models designed specifically for use with the Oathmark game system were released via North Star Military Figures.
Shortly after release, I took the opportunity to purchase a core infantry box set from each of the armies and post a picture of the sprue from each below (each box contains six identical sprues). Full reviews to follow shortly (i.e. when I sort out all the photographs).