Kay(jiit) Sarah Sara: Part 13 – Somewhere South of Winterhold
Author’s note: I must have died about thirty times on this part. I need to hurry up and get to the college so I can learn some stronger magic.
- Atsie Newt
Turdas, 21st of Last Seed
This one is turning tail.
This one left the forsaken cave and stepped into the cold, dark night. Tired and hungry, Kay looked around for a suitable place to camp for the night. Spotting a structure further up the mountain, Kay trudged through the snow, her lids sagging as sleep threatened to overcome Khajiit’s body.
Arriving at the ancient Nordic building, presumably the original entrance to the temple within the forsaken cave, this one heard a deathly rattle of bone and steel. Shaking off the fugue creeping across her brain, Kay summoned a flame as two skeletons emerged from the shadows cast by the stone pillars.
Compared to the draugr zombies in the temple beneath the mountain, the skeletons posed no difficulty, their fleshless remains crumbling under the onslaught of Khajiit’s magic.
In the distance, along the path to Winterhold, this one spotted a fort. Deciding it was unwise to press on without knowing if the occupants were hostile, Kay made camp on the mountainside overlooking the fort, eschewing a fire to avoid drawing attention.
With the sun high in the sky, Kay arrived at the fort seen from across the rocky terrain. There was something ominous and unsettling about the building and the silence that hung in the air around it. Glad this one did not seek shelter within its walls last night, Khajiit made her way up the mountain path to the fort, the sense of unease growing with every step.
Shuddering, and not from the cold, this one crept over to the fort’s arched entrance, hoping to discover the source of the unease without drawing attention. Peering around the stone wall, Khajiit spotted a black robed mage hunched over a table. Deciding she wanted no part in this, Kay took a step backwards, pausing at the creak of reanimated bones.
Slowly, this one extracted herself from the shadow of the gateway, careful not to draw the attention of the necromancers or their constructs. Moving away from the fort, the sense of unease faded with each step until an arrow thudded into the ground to Kay’s right. Not wasting time looking back, Khajiit burst into a ran, putting as much distance as possible between herself and the fort. Only when Kay was sure there was no pursuit did this one slow and glance back over her shoulder.
Safe for now, Kay adjusted her robes and took a few deep breaths to steady her nerves before continuing down the mountainside. In the distance, the edge of Winterhold was visible around the curve of the path. Closer, a solitary building hugged the mountain path. This one stopped, waiting to see if the man hurrying up the path from the building was friend or foe.
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