Kay(jiit) Sarah Sara: Part 14 – First day of School
Author’s note: I have no idea how this is going to play out as I’ve not played as a mage character before. For every video game I play, my default is always a ginger, green-eyed, rogue-type character.
- Atsie Newt
Fredas, 22nd of Last Seed
This one has forgotten her calculator.
‘I have a message for you,’ the man said as he handed over a letter before strolling back to the building on the cliffside.
Wondering who would possibly be sending this one a letter, and know that Khajiit was on her way to Winterhold, Kay opened the letter and read. Why would the jarl of Falkreath be inviting this one to become a thane? Suspecting the letter to be some sort of joke, this one scrunched up the paper and shoved it into her pocket. It would make lighting the next campfire easier if nothing else.
Arriving at Winterhold, this one found the place to be disappointing. A handful of buildings stood before the college, hugging the mountainside like babies clinging to their mother’s teats. Nodding to the city guards as she passed, Kay strolled right up the bridge leading to the college only to be stopped by an Altmer mage demanding to know why this one wanted to enter.
‘Khajiit is seeking to unravel the mysteries of Aetherius,’ this one replied.
‘A noble goal,’ said the elf before challenging Khajiit to demonstrate her aptitude for healing magic.
Channelling the flow of healing magic outwards instead of inwards, this one was able to satisfy the Altmer’s demands, earning entry to the college.
‘Speak to Mirabelle Ervine,’ the elf advised after guiding Khajiit to the main gate.
Presumably, Mirabelle was the woman engaged in a debate with an imposing Thalmor in dark robes.
Her instincts alert to the malice beneath the elf’s arrogant demeanour, Kay held back, listening for a convenient moment to interrupt.
Deciding it was better to let the black-robed Thalmor leave, Kay approached the mage as soon as the elf departed and introduced herself.
‘Another new student,’ Mirabelle said as she indicated for this one to follow her. ‘I’ll give you a brief tour, and then we’ll get you to your first class.’
In the Hall of Attainment, Mirabelle showed Khajiit to a room that this one could use while studying at the college. Grateful to unload some of the accumulated trinkets from her pockets, Kay stashed some items in one of the cupboards before hurrying after Mirabelle.
‘Initially, you’ll be learning from Tolfdir,’ Mirabelle said as we crossed the courtyard to the Hall of the Elements. ‘Go on in, and if you have any problems, let one of our senior members know.’
Joining the other students in the Hall of the Elements, Kay listened as Tolfdir explained that magic was dangerous and needed to be adequately understood before casting. When one of the students protested that they already knew the dangers of magic, this one suggested a practical demonstration may be a suitable way of teaching the dangers of magic.
Tolfdir agreed, directing Kay to cast a ward to deflect his attack.
‘This one has not needed to know ward spells,’ Khajiit replied, thinking it would get her out of participating. No such luck.
Tolfdir taught Kay the words of a basic ward spell and instructed this one to erect the shield. Focusing her magicka, Khajiit did as instructed, holding the shield up until Tolfdir’s fireball exploded harmlessly against it.
The lesson over, Tolfdir told the students of an archaeological expedition at the ruins of Saarthal, suggesting that we meet there for the next lesson. Nodding in agreement, this one retired to her room and the comfort of a warm bed. After sleeping under the stars, the appeal of the bed proved too much for Kay. Waking in the morning to find the other students had already left, this one hurriedly pulled on her boots and rushed to Saarthal.
Fortunately for Khajiit, the others had not yet entered the ruins. Hurrying down the steps to the main door as Tolfdir briefed the students, Kay managed to catch the end of Tolfdir’s description of the ruin.
‘This one is ready,’ said Kay when Tolfdir asked if Khajiit would be joining them. ‘Let’s go.’
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