Kay(jiit) Sarah Sara: Part 15 – Under Saarthal

Author’s note: I’m going to be ditching the twice weekly updates for the foreseeable future to concentrate on the second book in my Anathema to the Divine series. Going forward, I’ll be posting Kayjiit diary entries on a Wednesday instead of Tuesday and Friday.

- Atsie Newt

Loredas, 23rd of Last Seed

This one got trapped.


Descending into the ruins, Kay followed Tolfdir and the other students, paying little attention to the wizard’s history lesson.

‘We’re particularly interested in the prevalence of magical seals,’ Tolfdir said when this one asked why the place was so important.

As this one looked around at the cobwebs and moss hanging from the walls, one of the students grumbled something about desecrating the resting place of his ancestors, prompting the elf in the group to mutter something about her ancestors.

The other Khajiit in the group spoke the words this one was thinking.

‘Do you think there's treasure here? Something to make J'zargo a powerful wizard?’

This one can only hope.

‘Why don’t you see if you can assist Arniel Gane?’ Tolfdir suggested when this one enquired what to do. ‘Help in locating any additional magical artefacts here in the ruins.’

It was hardly the lesson in powerful magic that Khajiit sought, but Kay set about searching for trinkets to satisfy the mage. Lifting an amulet from a hook on the wall, this one heard the scrape of metal on rock. Spinning around, Kay saw iron bars slide into place across the doorway behind her.

As Khajiit searched for a lever to open the gate, Tolfdir approached and suggested trying the amulet. As this one placed the amulet around her neck, Kay sensed a ripple in reality around the wall where she had retrieved the amulet.

‘I wonder what effect your spells have,’ Tolfdir mused aloud, prompting this one to blast the ripple with fire. Immediately, the wall collapsed, revealing a hidden passage, and the bars retracted into the floor.


Joined by Tolfdir, Kay explored he hidden passage, arriving at an altar in the centre of a circular room.

‘Hold, mage, and listen well,’ a voice called as an apparition appeared at the altar. Unsure if Khajiit’s flames would harm the apparition, Kay did as instructed.

‘Judgement will be passed on your actions to come,’ the apparition continued. ‘You alone have the potential to prevent disaster. Take great care, and know that the Order is watching.’

As the apparition faded, this one turned to Tolfdir and asked what that was about. The mage was oblivious to the appearance of the apparition, claiming that there was no connection between the Psijic order and the ruins of Saarthal.

‘If nothing else, I'd take it as a compliment,’ the wizard added. ‘The Psijics have only ever dealt with those they feel worthy.’


Great, Kay thought as they advanced through the ruins. Just what this one needed. First dragons. Now, dead wizards. This one just wants to get enough money and knowledge to open a shop.

Inevitably, as was the tendency with ancient ruins, draugr rose from the dead to attack, only to fall to the combined magic of Tolfdir and Khajiit.


Leaving Tolfdir to examine one of the burial chambers, this one continued exploring, stumbling across the obligatory locked door pillar puzzle. Turning the pillars to match the icons on the back wall of their alcoves, Kay opened the door and continued along the passage, arriving at a room guarded by a draugr with a great axe.

As this one hurled flames at the zombie, a ferocious shout boomed from its mouth, knocking Khajiit backwards and causing her flames to sputter harmlessly in the air. Recovering her balance, Kay barely avoided being decapitated by the blow from the axe. Instead, the edge bit deep into her shoulder, almost cleaving off the arm as this one pulled back.

Knowing when she was outmatched, Kay turned and ran from the zombie, furiously channelling healing magic into her shoulder as she raced back through the corridor. Arriving at the puzzle room, this one yanked on the lever, the gate dropping into place before the draugr could catch up.


With no way of opening the door, the zombie stood watching Khajiit as this one hurled fire through the gaps in the gate. Unfazed, the zombie continued to stare at Khajiit as it rocked back and forth, waiting for an opportunity to attack. Again, this one hurled fire at the zombie. Over and over Kay attacked until the draugr collapsed in a smouldering heap.


After a lengthy pause to recover, Tolfdir caught up with Khajiit before venturing into the main burial chamber. Below us, a mysterious orb was suspended in the air, a shimmering vortex of energy protecting it.

‘Why is this buried so far within Saarthal?’ Tolfdir asked as this one scanned the room for threats.


As the mage approached the orb, an ancient warrior rose from the dead and set his sights on us. Our attacks reflected off the draugr as he advanced on us. Sensing a connection between the vortex and the draugr, this one drew the zombie’s attention while Tolfdir assaulted the vortex with magical lightning.

Its defences weakened, Kay was able to burn the draugr, hitting him with blasts of flame before dashing around the table and up the steps to ready another attack. Ducking his blade, this one continued evading his attacks and striking his leathery skin with flames until the warrior fell to one knee. Moving in for the kill, Khajiit pounded the zombie with fire until his lifeless corpse stopped twitching and the magical barrier around the orb collapsed.

‘This one thinks that the orb is beyond Tolfdir’s limited knowledge. Tolfdir knows what this is, yes?’ Kay asked as the mage stared at the orb in wonder.

‘I have no idea,’ Tolfdir replied as he turned to Khajiit, stroking his beard. ‘The arch-mage needs to be informed immediately.’


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Kay(jiit) Sarah Sara: Part 16 – Hitting the Books


Kay(jiit) Sarah Sara: Part 14 – First day of School