Kay(jiit) Sarah Sara: Part 18 – The Caller
Author’s note: Changing up the format for this one.
- Atsie Newt
Sundas, 24th of Last Seed
This one is all out of gum.
Kay narrowed her eyes, her pulse rising in anger at the prospect of being made to fight another’s battle once more. ‘Does the Altmer tinkerer think that this one is afraid, yes? Why don’t you ask your apprentices if Khajiit is so easy to intimidate?’
Snarling, The Caller clenched her fists and stepped from behind her plinth. ‘Are you attempting to threaten me? After I've been so hospitable? Well, then you won't be leaving here at all.’
Done with diplomacy, Kay raced forward, hurling fire as she dashed to the right of the plinth. Throwing up a ward, The Caller backed away as Stenvar circled left. Not wanting to scorch the mercenary after paying so much gold for his services, this one ceased her assault as Stenvar moved in for the kill. It was the opportunity The Caller was waiting for. Dropping her ward, she ducked back from Stenvar’s attack, summoning a flame atronach as Stenvar brought his sword back for another strike. Steel struck magic as The Caller’s ward flickered back into being.
‘Stenvar,’ Kay shouted as the atronach attacked, hurling a fireball at the exposed Nord.
Flames licked across his armour as Stenvar staggered back. Swinging his sword to keep The Caller from pressing the advantage, Stenvar turned to put both opponents in his field of vision. With the Nord between this one and The Caller, there was nothing Kay could do to attack the mage, and the atronach was too far away for Khajiit’s magic. Switching focus, this one channelled her energy into keeping Stenvar alive, hoping the Nord was as skilled as he claimed.
With deft strokes, Stenvar brought his sword crashing down on The Caller’s shield, preventing her from mounting a counter-offensive. Kay grinned as she realised his intent. Stepping to the side with each successive strike, the Nord positioned The Caller between himself and the atronach. Freed from the burden of suppressing the flames and keeping Stenvar from being burnt alive, this one heaved a heavy sigh. The respite was short, however, as the atronach was quick to react.
Edging closer, using the plinth as a shield, this one hurled lightning at the atronach, briefly distracting it as it swept towards Stenvar. Sparks crackled along the atronach’s flaming skin as Stenvar twisted to keep The Caller between him and the atronach. Seizing an opportunity as Stenvar’s assault faltered, The Caller lowered her shield and shoved the Nord warrior away from her. Resisting the urge to target The Caller while her ward was down, Khajiit launched another storm of sparks at the atronach before ducking behind the plinth. With Stenvar breathing hard, Kay needed something to turn the tide of battle. Fortunately, she had brought some backup. Reaching into her robe, this one wrapped her fingers around a scroll.
‘A little help,’ Stenvar called as he kicked out at The Caller, sending her staggering back, before swinging his blade at the atronach.
Baring her teeth, Khajiit clamped one hand around the scroll while focusing her healing magic on the Nord. A vicious back hand blow sent The Caller back as flames lapped around both Stenvar and the mage. Unlike Kay, the atronach apparently had no regard for who got incinerated by its attacks.
Concentrating hard on nullifying the effects of the atronach’s fire, this one was unable to summon backup, the scroll of dread zombie in Khajiit’s hand as useless as a love letter to an uncaring beauty. Ignoring the atronach, Stenvar tackled The Caller to the ground as she frantically beat at the flames searing through her robes. Shaking from the effort of channelling all her healing magic into keeping the Nord from being reduced to ash, Kay wondered how much longer she could keep this up. There was no such sign of fatigue from the atronach.
Deciding there was no other way, Khajiit switched her focus and pulled the scroll free. Before she could break the seal, Stenvar spun around and buried his sword in the chest of the atronach. With a hiss of escaping steam and crunch of grating coals, Stenvar twisted his blade and yanked it free from the atronach as its fire grew dim. Instinctively, this one stepped back from the blast radius and threw everything into shielding Stenvar from the exploding atronach. As the flames radiated out, engulfing The Caller, Stenvar raised his blade high and brought it down on the flailing mage, cleaving her from shoulder to stomach.
Releasing a long, heavy breath this one had not realised she was holding, Kay wiped her forehead as Stenvar leant on his sword.
‘Stenvar is not as fit as he used to be, no? Made hard work of dealing with a squishy mage,’ this one said with a grin as she rested against the plinth.
Stenvar scoffed and turned to Kay with a grin to match. ‘Says the scaredy cat who kept out of harm’s way. If this is how you plan to do battle, I’m going to need a pay rise.’
Shaking her head, this one picked up the book on the plinth and examined its cover. ‘No, I have better things to be doing than trading blows with renegade mages.’
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