Kay(jiit) Sarah Sara: Part 19 – Back to School

Morndas, 25th of Last Seed

This one is quitting college.


Kay tightened her robes as she trudged up the snowy mountainside, wondering why anyone would want to establish a settlement in such conditions.

‘This one is done,’ Kay muttered for the tenth time since breaking camp that morning.

‘Uh-huh,’ Stenvar said with zero enthusiasm. ‘Return the books. Head south for sun and sand.’

‘Khajiit means what she says,’ this one replied as the college crept into view from behind the rolling snowdrifts. ‘Kay came to Skyrim to become a trader, not a killer.’

As she crossed the dilapidated bridge to the college, a wave of unease swept over Kay, making her doubt her intentions. Entering the Hall of the Elements, Khajiit looked up at the floating orb and sighed. Her own curiosity was not going to let this rest.


‘The librarian said Tolfdir was in need of some education,’ this one said as she handed the mage one of the recovered books. ‘Suggested Tolfdir reads this if he wants to sound like he knows what he is talking about.’

The mage nodded and said he would re-read it as he turned his attention back to the orb. ‘Whatever this is, it’s beauty is like nothing I’ve ever seen before.’

Kay looked up at the orb, wondering if beauty was the right word. True, it had a strange appeal, but it was an esoteric draw felt in the stomach and mind, not a longing of the heart or bewitchment of the eye.

‘I’m not sure that you’re quite as attuned as I am,’ Tolfdir continued as he examined the orb from different angles, ‘but can you feel that?’

This one felt something, but there was no way of knowing if it was what Tolfdir felt.

‘It practically radiates magicka,’ Tolfdir said as Kay spotted the elf, Ancano approaching.


‘I need you to come with me, immediately,’ said Ancano, ignoring or uncaring that this one was in the middle of a conversation.  ‘Let's go.’

‘What reason does Khajiit have for listening to an elf who is just an advisor?’ Kay asked with a sidelong glance to Tolfdir.

‘Don’t worry,’ Ancano replied, ‘you can return to your petty squabbles and meaningless “research” as soon as this matter is resolved. I'd like to know why there's someone claiming to be from the Psijic Order here in the College. More importantly, I'd like to know why he's asking for you specifically. So, we're going to go have a little chat with him, and find out exactly what it is he wants.’

Reluctantly, sensing that events were about to take another turn in a direction Khajiit did not like, this one followed Ancano to the arch mage’s garden as the elf continued talking.

‘The Psijic Order is a rogue organization, believing themselves to be above the law. They have clashed with the Aldmeri Dominion before, and I have no intention of allowing that to happen here. Now, you are going to speak to this... monk... and find out why he is here, and then he will be removed from college grounds.’


As Kay got closer to the visitor, she realised it was the same monk as in her vision beneath Saarthal, or one eerily similar. Pressing her hand to her forehead and drawing a deep breath, this one stepped forward and waited to hear what the priest had to say.

‘I've given us a chance to speak privately,’ the priest said as Kay looked around. Time appeared to have frozen the moment the priest spoke. ‘We must be brief. The situation here at your college is of dire importance, and attempts to contact you as we have previously have failed. I believe it is due to the very source of our concern. This object, The Eye of Magnus as your people have taken to calling it. The energy coming from it has prevented us from reaching you with the visions you have already seen. The longer it remains here, the more dangerous the situation becomes. And so, I have come here personally to tell you it must be dealt with.’

‘This one already has an urgent quest,’ Kay replied as she studied the arch mage and his elven advisor. There was no sign they were aware of what was happening. ‘I’m saving my septims to buy a little plot of land, trade goods, and make potions. Khajiit knows many potions that the people of Skyrim would enjoy. Potions that would make them more relaxed. Perhaps then Nords will be less violent, yes?’

The priest shook his head. ‘You set this chain of events in motion at Saarthal. You must understand, my order will not act directly. You must take it upon yourself to do so.’

Kay sighed and turned her attention to the priest. ‘This one thought you might say that. Khajiit realises many here see this one as their saviour. Kay does not blame you, but why should this one trust you?’

‘I presume you refer to Ancano's distaste for the Psijic Order?’ the priest replied. ‘The Thalmor see our order as a threat. I assure you that we mean you no harm. The Eye will be misused. Rather, something will happen soon, something that cannot be avoided. We believe that your efforts should be directed towards dealing with the aftermath, but we cannot predict what that will be. Seek out the Augur of Dunlain. He is somewhere within the college. Now, I am afraid I must leave you.’


Before Kay could respond, reality snapped back into place, prompting an irritated Ancano to demand why the priest had summoned Khajiit. Leaving them to argue amongst themselves, Kay headed for the stairs, nodding for Stenvar to follow.

‘I take it you’re not dropping out of college just yet,’ the Nord stated as this one set off in search of Tolfdir and answers.

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Kay(jiit) Sarah Sara: Part 20 – Into the Midden


Kay(jiit) Sarah Sara: Part 18 – The Caller