Kay(jiit) Sarah Sara: Part 2 - Unbound

Author’s note: Writing using the mannerisms of a khajiit takes some getting used to, yes? I thought it would be a fun change to write a first person adventure with a race that primarily speaks in third person. I’m starting to regret it. Don’t be surprised if Kay picks up a human dialect over time.

- Atsie Newt

Sundas, 17th of Last Seed

This one thought she was dead.

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As the dragon bellowed, Kay thought she could detect the patterns of speech in its monstrous roar. It was a curious observation that penetrated through the fear to reach this one’s racing mind. Before Khajiit could make sense of the dragon’s command, the colossal wave of force emanating from the dragon’s maw knocked this one backwards through the open door of the keep. Dazed, this one picked herself up and made to run, but the doors had slammed shut behind Khajiit, keeping the dragon away. For now.

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The interior of the keep was decorated with hunting trophies and a rough, woven rug in the centre of the room. Candles lit the room, casting their light on the cooling body of another Nord in blue. The Nord from the execution, Ralof, told this one to take the dead one’s things while he searched for an exit. Remembering this one’s vow to never steal, Khajiit left the dead Nord to his gods and watched as Ralof tried the gates. What need did this one have for armour that would identify Khajiit as enemy of Imperials anyway?

The first gate was locked. As Ralof checked the other gate, Kay heard voices approaching. Imperials!

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Having avoided the axe, this one was not about to die at the business end of an Imperial sword. Being only a trainee mage, the gout of fire Khajiit hurled at the captain was nothing like the blasts of fiery destruction hurled by the dragon. Even so, a little flame is still sufficient to kill when used well. Baked within her armour, the captain fell before her blade could harm this one.

With a mighty swing of his axe, Ralof finished the other Imperial soldier before rooting through their pockets.

‘Here we are,’ declared Ralof, holding aloft a key. ‘Let’s see if it opens that door.’

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With the way open, Kay followed Ralof to a subterranean passage. Sensing that escape was within reach but wary of further Imperials, this one hurried after Khajiit’s Nord guide, trusting that he knew the way out. Above us, the dragon attack continued, the shockwaves of its assault causing dust to shake loose from the ceiling. The sound of shifting stone made this one pause and call out to Ralof just before the ceiling collapsed ahead of us.

‘Through here, yes?’ this one asked, opening the door to the left.

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Crouching at the sound of voices, this one entered the stock room and crept towards two Imperial soldiers gathering supplies. With another blast of flame, the first one fell to Khajiit’s magic while Ralof ended the other soldier. Taking some of the supplies for ourselves, we pressed on.

The sound of battle from ahead made Ralof rush forwards. This one was more cautious. Ralof had helped Khajiit, but this one was not about to die for strangers.

Creeping around the fighting, Kay picked out her targets, incinerating one Imperial as he raised his weapon to strike a Nord woman and tearing out the throat of another Imperial with her claws while his back was turned.

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With the Imperials dealt with, this one took a moment to steady her racing heart. Khajiit came to this land to study, not fight. As the Nords discussed the fate of their leader, Kay wandered over to the door so they would not see how much this one was shaking. Passing skeletons in prison cells and dead prisoners in cages, Khajiit marvelled at the brutality of these people. Eager to be away from this place of death, this one followed the Nords in blue to a cave beneath the keep. And more Imperials.

‘Khajiit will not die here,’ this one yelled as the nearest Imperial rushed towards Kay only to be engulfed in flame.

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The fighting was brutal and bloody. The Nords in blue rushed at the enemy, blades held high, only for one of them to fall to enemy arrows. Spying an oily shimmer to the cave floor, this one seized the opportunity for a swift resolution, igniting the oil and bathing two Imperials in fire. When the flames died down, only Kay and Ralof remained standing. Numb to the needless death, this one trudged along behind Ralof, torching a swarm of spiders that descended from the ceiling of another cavern before arriving at another cave.

‘Bear,’ said Ralof, crouching near an abandoned cart.

With painstaking slowness, this one lifted a bottle of wine from the cart. After such a terrible day, Khajiit felt it was deserved. Thirst quenched, Kay crept along the wall to the opposite end of the cavern, watching the sleeping bear with one eye. There was already too much blood on this one’s hands.

A cold draught ruffled Kay’s fur as this one neared the tunnel at the end of the cavern. Detecting the scent of pines and snow, Khajiit hurried away from the sleeping bear and into the open air in time to see the dragon sweep overhead, disappearing into the distance.

Tears formed in this one’s eyes as the air caught in Kay’s throat, relief overwhelming Khajiit as the cold wind sent a shiver along this one’s spine. Kay was free of the Imperials. Free of the dragon.

Now what?

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Enjoyed this story? Hated it more than pineapple on pizza? Leave a comment, but keep it respectful. It is not the intent of this page to spread hate or engage in harmful activity. Atsie Newt condemns those who engage in rhetoric intended to incite violence towards a person or group of people based on their physical attributes, attitudes, and/or belief systems. This goes for all creatures across all spectrums. Comments deemed inappropriate will be deleted.


Kay(jiit) Sarah Sara: Part 3 - To Riverwood


Kay(jiit) Sarah Sara: Part 1 - Bound