Kay(jiit) Sarah Sara: Part 4 – Whiterun

Author’s note: One of the things that frustrated me on vanilla playthroughs was that I had to go find somewhere to sleep if I wanted immersive roleplay. After installing iNeed, this problem only became worse. If I was an adventurer in Skyrim, I would like to think I could plan my journey’s more effectively. Images of hobbits, loaded up with adventuring gear, trekking across New Zealand inevitably resulted in me installing the Campfire – Complete Camping System mod. This mod allows me to craft a tent and camp anywhere in Skyrim. It also allows me to craft a backpack with visuals that change according to what I’m carrying (waterskins, torches, etc.). The backpack isn’t just aesthetic, it also boosts my carrying capacity by 50. Since I also play with a negative modifier to carrying capacity from the iNeed mod, it’s hard for me to get very far without crafting a backpack.

- Atsie Newt

Morndas, 18th of Last Seed

This one got distracted.

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Gerdur was kind enough to provide shelter for this one in exchange for delivering a warning to the jarl. Rested and fed, Kay woke early to prepare for the journey to Whiterun. With the sun barely lighting the horizon, Khajiit cleaned the wolf fur and stitched it to form a pack for her journey, stuffing it with food for the road. Filling this one’s waterskins as Kay reached the bridge at the edge of the village, Khajiit was on the road again.

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The air was cold, causing this one to shiver as the sun rose on a bright but hazy morning. Following the directions provided by Gerdur, this one strolled merrily towards the city, taking the opportunity to gather flora for potions along the way, until disaster struck. Imperials were blocking the road.

With no desire to return to Imperial custody, this one crept over to a rocky outcrop near the river, climbing above the Imperial soldiers until Kay could see them clearly. Heaving a sigh of relief, this one realised that the Imperials were not searching for Kay but had taken a Nord prisoner. Owing no loyalty to the foolish Stormcloak, this one continued along the river until the Imperials were out of sight before rejoining the road to Whiterun.

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Stopping for a mid-morning snack at the edge of a farmstead, this one spotted a yellow butterfly at the edge of the river. After watching it flitting between the flowers as Khajiit devoured some cheese and bread, Kay crept towards the river and pounced. As the butterfly fluttered away, Khajiit followed its movements, pouncing again only to miss for a second time. For twenty minutes this one chased that butterfly before finally catching it and adding its wings to Khajiit’s growing list of potion ingredients.

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Turning back to the road, this one was surprised to see a giant had wandered into the farmstead. Fortunately, a group of adventurers had stopped it from wreaking havoc on the frightened farmers.

‘No thanks to you,’ a female Nord scoffed when this one approached to enquire what happened.

‘A warrior such as you is surely capable enough to fight a single giant, yes? Or did you need this one to give you some pointers?’ Kay replied rather than admit Khajiit was chasing a butterfly.

‘Certainly not,’ the woman replied before going on to explain that she, along with her friends, were members of the Companions. Like this one is supposed to care. Leaving the Companions to boast about their prowess in battle, Kay continued to Whiterun.

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No sooner had Kay entered the city, Khajiit was faced with a Nord in Imperial armour harassing a blacksmith.

‘I just can’t fill an order that size on my own,’ the blacksmith replied when the soldier demanded more swords for the army.

Sensing an opportunity to make some money and gain a valuable trading partner, this one waited until the soldier left and approached the blacksmith.

‘How about you smith me an iron dagger,’ she replied when Kay enquired if she needed any help around the forge.

With a few pointers, this one was able to produce a dagger and hide helmet. Not the swords that were needed, but Khajiit had no desire to spend her life forging blades for Imperial soldiers. Having suitably impressed the blacksmith, forging a bond that, if tempered correctly, would prove to be stronger than the iron dagger this one crafted, it was time to move on and visit the jarl.

As this one bid farewell to the blacksmith, promising to visit again, she asked Khajiit for a favour.

‘It’s a sword. I made it for the jarl,’ she said, handing Kay a steel greatsword and asking this one to deliver it to her father, the jarl’s steward.

‘For one so skilled with the forge, this one is glad to be of service.’

Flashing the blacksmith a coy smile, this one turned and headed for Dragonsreach.

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Kay(jiit) Sarah Sara: Part 5 - Farengar's Favour


Kay(jiit) Sarah Sara: Part 3 - To Riverwood