Kay(jiit) Sarah Sara: Part 5 - Farengar's Favour

Author’s note: Getting my roleplaying mixed up; kept wanting to refer to Irileth as a drow while writing this one. Doesn’t help that Raging Heroes made a bunch of drider themed models for their May 2020 Patreon release.

- Atsie Newt 

If you aren’t familiar with Raging Heroes, they are a 28mm miniatures company in France.



Disclaimer: Atsie Newt is not affiliated with or endorsed by Raging Heroes, I just like their models.

Morndas, 18th of Last Seed

This one has a quest.


Upon entering the jarl’s hall, Dragonsreach, this one was confronted by a Dunmer. With sword in hand, she demanded to know why Khajiit approached.

‘This one has news from Helgen,’ Kay replied as she studied the elf’s aggressive stance for a warning sign. Against such an opponent, it was unlikely Khajiit would walk away unscathed.

At the mention of Helgen, the jarl called out, demanding that this one provide details.


Recounting Khajiit’s escape from Helgen, omitting the details of this one’s reason for being there, Kay watched the Jarl’s relaxed posture, wondering if he believed the account. If Khajiit had not seen it, this one would not believe it either.

‘We should send troops to Riverwood at once,’ the Dunmer, a woman named Irileth, declared.

Jarl Balgruuf agreed, sending his people away before taking this one aside to see his wizard, Farengar.

From his demeanour, it was clear to Khajiit that the wizard was a pompous man, puffed up on his own importance and station. Still, he had the jarl’s favour, and Kay needed to garner support until this one could get back on her feet.

Kay remained silent, not wanting to commit to action that was not in this one’s best interest, as the jarl and his wizard discussed a Dragonstone somewhere in Bleak Falls Barrow. Fetching a stone tablet for a wizard sounds easy enough, yes? Spying the alchemical and enchanting equipment the wizard owned, equipment that would be useful to Khajiit if the wizard was accommodating, this one agreed to recover the Dragonstone.


‘Succeed at this and you’ll be rewarded,’ replied the jarl, speaking the words Kay wanted to hear before returning to his throne.

Eager to get as much from Farengar as possible, this one enquired about training, only to be told to go to the college. As if Khajiit did not already know that. However, the wizard did reveal something this one did not know, the name of an alchemist in town. Arcadia.

Agreeing to deliver some salts the wizard promised the alchemist, Kay set off to visit Arcadia. As this one hoped, the good deed was rewarded with the gift of some potions and free use of Arcadia’s alchemy station.


Mixing the flowers and mushrooms Khajiit picked along the road to Whiterun, Kay produced some poisons and potions. Not powerful potions, but it was a start. Soon, this one would become the most prominent trader in Skyrim. For now, Khajiit would need to run errands for wizards.

As Kay left the city, the contingent of guards Irileth had rounded up were making their way to Riverwood. Far safer to travel in the company of guards, no?


As Kay raced to Riverwood alongside the Whiterun guards, Khajiit spotted a bizarre sight. Unable to ignore such a thing, this one slowed to a walk, allowing the guards to run ahead. Wary of traps or the sanity of the man stood at the side of the road, this one approached and asked about his painted cow.

‘To let the giants know we’re giving it to them willingly,’ the farmer replied when Kay asked why he was painting a cow to sacrifice to the giants.

Shaking Khajiit’s head, Kay left the madman to his fool’s errand, regretting that this one wasted time on such useless conversation.


As Kay approached the bridge to Riverwood and the climb to Bleak Falls Barrow, the dark clouds that had been gathering throughout the day decided to drop their burden. After a late lunch in Riverwood, this one braved the elements and, equipped with extra camping gear from Riverwood, began the ascent. With the clouds blocking out the sun, the evening grew dark much sooner than this one anticipated. Fortunately, there was a watchtower on the road up the mountain that this one could shelter in for the night.


Approaching the tower, Kay sighted torchlight flickering off the walls of the tower. Not wishing to discover if the one wielding the torch was friend or foe, this one crept around the rocky outcrops on the mountain path and continued her journey up the mountain.

With aching stomach, cold bones and tired eyes, Khajiit found a sheltered spot in the shadow of the barrow to pitch her tent and build a fire. Mindful of the dwindling rations, this one consumed a frugal supper before bedding down for the night.

Rising with the sun to find the fire had dwindled to a flickering flame amongst the embers and ash, this one finished the cheese and bread from Gerdur and packed away her tent. The snow was still falling, but nothing like the flurry that lashed Khajiit as Kay ascended the mountain. Looking up at the barrow, a sense of dread crept over this one. Kay was not alone.


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Kay(jiit) Sarah Sara: Part 6 - Bleak Falls Barrow


Kay(jiit) Sarah Sara: Part 4 – Whiterun